Preventing Hyperpigmentation

Are hyperpigmentation spots making you feel less confident? Dr. Derek Farley and the team at Precision Aesthetics in Denton, TX, can help you achieve even skin. 

Tips for Preventing Hyperpigmentation

 Hyperpigmentation is a skin issue in which some areas of the skin become darker than others. There are many things that can cause these spots and, unfortunately, not all can be prevented, such as those due to hormonal changes. However, you can reduce your likelihood of developing such spots with the tips below provided by Dr. Farley and the team at Precision Aesthetics in Denton, TX. 

Protect Your Skin 

 Sun exposure is one of the top contributing factors. When your skin is exposed to the sun, it can cause an increase in melanin. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always show up evenly. 

One of the most important steps is wearing sunscreen each day that has an SPF of 30 or more. Wide-brimmed hats and clothing that cover your skin and scalp are also wise ideas. 

Exfoliate Safely 

 Regularly exfoliating your skin helps remove dead skin cells, which can help lighten the darker spots. However, you want to be safe while doing this and use the right products. 

Be sure to choose a gentle exfoliating scrub. You might also choose an exfoliating product that contains AHAs or BHAs, which are alpha-hydroxy acids and beta-hydroxy acids. Do not use products or over-exfoliate to the point of irritating your skin. 

Avoid Scratching 

 Scratching your skin creates trauma that can cause inflammation and dark spots. If you get a bug bite or are itching for another reason, use an anti-itch cream instead of scratching. 

Take Your Vitamins 

 While eating a balanced diet and taking a multivitamin can be critical for your health and your skin’s condition, you can take vitamins a step further by using skin care products with vitamin C. Vitamin C has antioxidant properties, which can help you achieve an even complexion much more quickly. 

Get Advice on Skin Care and Beauty Products 

 You might be tempted to try lightening creams and other products, but these can cause adverse effects. And using products that aren’t quite right for your skin type can cause damage, which may further contribute to complexion and other issues. 

Instead, work with a dermatologist. They can help you create the best skincare routine with the best products for you. They can also help determine the underlying cause of your dark spots and provide the best treatment to address it, including medication and laser therapy.

Let Dr. Farley and our team at Precision Aesthetics in Denton, TX, help you prevent and reduce hyperpigmentation spots to achieve a complexion you love. Call (940) 900-6010 to schedule an appointment today.

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9:00 am - 5:00 pm


12:00 pm - 7:00 pm


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Precision Aesthetics

9:00 am - 5:00 pm
12:00 pm - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
12:00 pm - 7:00 pm
By Appointment Only